“Debug Group of Companies is united as one family with a common vision. We commenced operations in 1988 as a small business venture, and today , have grown and flourished to be one of the leading providers of technology to the nation. We have been accepted as one of the most trusted and dependable technological partners in Sri Lanka. We are also recognized for our expertise in innovation and creativity.
A Postgraduate in the field of Management, A Chartered Marketer and an ICT Professional, Abbas counts for over two decades experience in Management primarily in the IT/BPO sector, with experience ranging from Regional Manager of "Capita Group UK" handling BPO operations of the BBC. Abbas was Part of the Executive Committee of Asia Pacific ICT Alliance(APICTA), Served as a International judge at the APICTA awards. As the Former Chairman of FITIS, he was also appointed as a Director of LK domain Registry. Abbas has represented the Industry as a Committee Member of the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce, was a member of the “Sri Lanka Institute of Directors” and has been nominated to a number of Advisory Committees under various different Ministries and Departments relating to ICT, Education and Economic development. He is currently a Director of Federation Chamber of Commerce, A Director of The ICT Skills Council of Sri Lanka and to date holds the position of Immediate Past Chairman of FITIS (The Federation of ICT industry Sri Lanka.) He currently represents Sri Lanka at the General Assembly of SAARC CCI.
Abbas Kamrudeen Managing Director Debug Group of CompaniesOver 20 Years’ experience in Marketing & General Management, especially in the field of marketing communication. Holds an MBA from Post Graduate Institute of Management (PIM) University of Sri Jayewardenapura. Also a Member of Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) UK and a Chartered Marketer.
Chandana Sanjeewa Asseddumegedara Managing Director - Printing and Signage SectorTharick holds a master's degree from the University of Southern Queensland, Australia and is a fellow member of The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants,The Institute of Certified Management Accountant of Sri Lanka, The Sri Lanka Institute of Taxation, The Institute of Certified Professional managers He was in the field of Finance for over 20 years and as a general manager of one of the leading foreign manufacturing organizations spanning 10 years. He was chairing the CPD committee of The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants and was in the member network panel.. He also was a member of the executive council and served as a treasurer at The Sri Lanka Institute of Taxation and was instrumental in running many committees of the institute. Presently he is the global assessor for CIMA membership.
Tharick Razick Director FinanceSign up to receive updates, promotions, and sneak peaks of upcoming products. Plus 20% off your next order.
Today the group has diversified into four specific sectors. In addition to Technology , we have also made a mark in the BTL Advertising space with our signage equipment and digital printing services. Our newest diversification into the hospitality and leisure sector marks our presence in one of the fastest growing industries in Sri Lanka. The Investment arm has been specially focusing on renewable energy as we see the need for a sustainable solution to the energy issues faced in Sri Lanka. Rapid growth of The Group is an indicator of the commitment and dedication of all our employees backed by a cohesive vision. I am indeed proud to be associated with an amazing team and It gives me great pleasure to see their achievements through continuous commitment with a sense of caring for customer satisfaction beyond expectations. Working in par with the vision of the company is the strength we carry as a leader in this industry.
Moiz Najmudeen (CHAIRMAN)